Improve the mobility of the pancreas region.

Warning! If you are taking insulin and/or other blood sugar medications, you will need to check your blood sugar regularly and modify the dosage of these medications under supervision of your doctors, nurses or pharmacists. Low blood sugar is possible if your pancreatic functions improve and you maintain your current dosages.

Purpose: To free up restrictions in the pancreas region by performing the core pump in various postures.

Note: The pancreas is a very deep organ, and you may have difficulty feeling it with your fingers. If you have trouble finding the pancreas, just place your hands as best you can and continue with the exercise.

Schedule: Perform Organ Region Mobility Exercise Stages 5 - 8 together in one session.

Start: Begin by sitting down in a comfortable, upright position with your feet placed firmly on the ground.

Step 1: Place your left and right hands around the ‘head’ of the pancreas, just to the right of your belly button.

Step 2: Exert gentle pressure between your hands so that you can feel your hands and body move as one piece. Bend the pancreas region forward, and perform the Core Pump three times in the pancreas area between your hands. Bend further forward and repeat.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2, this time bending the pancreas region backward.

Step 4: Repeat Step 2, this time turning the pancreas region to the right.

Step 5: Repeat Step 2, this time turning the pancreas region to the left.

Step 6: Repeat Step 2, this time side-bending the pancreas region to the right.

Step 7: Repeat Step 2, this time side-bending the pancreas region to the left.

Step 8: Place your hands around the ‘body’ of the pancreas, and repeat Steps 2 - 7.

Step 9: Place your hands around the ‘tail’ of the pancreas, and repeat Steps 2 - 7.